This little gem was inspired by a curious salad we encountered at Musashi Japanese Restaurant in Sydney a couple of weeks ago. Usually a huge fan of salads overflowing with delicious goodness, I wouldn’t have thought that a simple cucumber salad would really get my wow on, but something about this little number was magic. Throughout […] Read more…
Easy Vegan Laksa
It can be a bit tricky sometimes, food blogging. During a particularly lovely bout of daydreaming about exotic places last week, I had an idea – Laksa! I quickly researched traditional ingredients, brainstormed some changes, told my Lovebug to get his belly ready, skipped to the shops and back, and whipped up a pot with […] Read more…
Vegan MoFo Thai Pumpkin & Chickpea Wraps
You know those great girlfriends you have that you may not catch up with all the time (where does the time go, where?) but when you do it’s like no time passed at all? I rounded up two of mine on Sunday. After a crazy fun catch up, we treated ourselves to Gold Class […] Read more…
Fast, Easy, Daydream Thai Red Curry
It’s Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere today. Oh yes, it is! I love Winter Solstice, especially the part about the shortest day of the year occurring only a few short weeks into our dark, stormy weather. It gives me hope that I will survive the rest of winter and not morph permanently into some […] Read more…