
Vegan MoFo Simple Sunday Snacks – Apple & Jaffa ‘Cupcakes’!

Ever since I first made these apple ‘cupcakes’, I’ve wondered about making a Jaffa version. It was a beautiful, sunny day in Perth today and as I skipped around the fresh produce aisles of my local shop I spotted free samples of fresh, vibrant oranges in season.  Super sweet and juicy, they were just perfect for […] Read more…

Spicy Chickpeas – Made in Chelsea

Do you watch the British TV show Made in Chelsea?  It is ridiculously hysterical.  My friend Kyllie and I watch it in our own homes and Whatsapp message each other a running commentary throughout the entire show, complete with many, many giggle fits.  Tears, snorts, the works. Ollie is our favourite character.  If you can watch […] Read more…

Apple Cupcakes!

No-one could ever accuse me of being naturally Martha Stewart-like.  I’m forever accidentally ripping or breaking things around the house during my many enthusiastic ‘projects’.  I have burnt silk shirts with the iron, caught oven mitts on fire, and sewn buttons on back-the-front. I have vastly improved in this area lately but it’s precisely because […] Read more…

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