Raw & Salads

Brussel Sprout Slaw

  Now, hold up there, speed racer! Before you screw your nose up and exclaim: “Brussel sprouts? Ewwww!“, just hear me out. These are not the old, soggy, boiled-to-within-an-inch-of-their-existence brussel sprouts that you remember from the days when you barely managed to force them down your throat (or if you were smart, dropped them under […] Read more…

Peach & Hazelnut Dukkah Salad

Do you love a 10 minute meal prep as much as I do?  You’ll love this Peach & Hazelnut Dukkah salad. Simon Bryant inspired this deliciousness with his gorgeous new book Vegies but his version has a hot, buttery dressing and I wanted to keep it raw and fast with some organic, cold-pressed oil for neurological […] Read more…

Healthy Vanilla Ice-Cream

  And finally, the last part of the healthy recreation of the Hot Fudge Brownie we fell in love with at Candle 79  –  vanilla ice-cream! Here’s a flashback of the original:      mmmmmm, it gets me every time! We want a healthy ice-cream that we can eat whenever we want, though, right?   This […] Read more…

Vegan MoFo Grilled Zucchini Ribbon & Toasted Almond Salad

  I had a Shrek-sized craving for green food tonight. Maybe it’s because I attended Perth Green Drinks last night to hear the Mayors of Perth and Fremantle talk about sustainability plans for our city.     Exciting stuff!  I even wore a green-ish, sparkly top and sparkly eyeshadow for the event. AND I caught […] Read more…

Vegan MoFo Simple Sunday Snacks – Apple & Jaffa ‘Cupcakes’!

Ever since I first made these apple ‘cupcakes’, I’ve wondered about making a Jaffa version. It was a beautiful, sunny day in Perth today and as I skipped around the fresh produce aisles of my local shop I spotted free samples of fresh, vibrant oranges in season.  Super sweet and juicy, they were just perfect for […] Read more…

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