vegan mofo

Vegan MoFo Simple Sunday Snacks – Apple & Jaffa ‘Cupcakes’!

Ever since I first made these apple ‘cupcakes’, I’ve wondered about making a Jaffa version. It was a beautiful, sunny day in Perth today and as I skipped around the fresh produce aisles of my local shop I spotted free samples of fresh, vibrant oranges in season.  Super sweet and juicy, they were just perfect for […] Read more…

Vegan MoFo Melting Moments

  Remember my Mum’s amazing vegan carrot cake recipe? It caused quite the stir and is still the most popular recipe on this blog!  Way to go, Mum! ♥ Excited by her début vegan baking success, she’s back with another treat for us! Yup, it’s the  magical biscuits that made your heart melt when you were […] Read more…

Vegan MoFo Tandoori Cauliflower & Cucumber Raita Wraps

  Happy Vegan MoFo, everyone! I’m so excited, I’m kicking off with not one but two recipes for you!  * Cue sparkles! * Recently I spotted some incredibly creative ideas via My New Roots’ Whole Roasted Tandoori Cauliflower and Veg Hot Pot’s Tandoori Cauliflower Naan Wrap.  Tandoori Cauliflower??  I was so intrigued, I knew I had to […] Read more…

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