green juice

‘Rise & Shine’ Green Juice

  Cucumbers are powerfully alkaline and given half a chance, will restore magical harmony to your system.  Their delicate flavour perfectly compliments the soft sweetness of kiwi fruit – with lemon and ginger coming to this party to give it a bit of kick! Not to be confused with the celery and apple Monster Green Juice or the […] Read more…

Pineapple & Mint Green Juice

Pineapple Mint Green Juice

  Happy Vegan MoFo, everyone!     It’s so exciting to be back at the party again this year!  A lot can happen in 12 11 months.  My vegan journey and passion for nutrition led me to The Institute for Integrative Nutrition earlier this year where I began studies as a Holistic Health Coach.  So […] Read more…

Green Juice

  How great are phone chats with old friends?  One of my gorgeous girlfriends called this morning and reminded me to hurry up and post a few of my favourite juice recipes.  And where better to start than with green? The first time I ever tried celery juice was after immediately after watching an Institute […] Read more…

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