NYC Vegan: Caravan of Dreams, East Village

  The sky cried on our last day in New York City.  We could have stayed indoors with all the normal people but we still hadn’t tried a Tempeh Reuben!  Those magical, mythical sandwiches that all my favourite American bloggers post about.  I wanted one and there was no way I was leaving NYC without […] Read more…

NYC Vegan – Candle 79, Upper East Side

  It’s no secret that I’m a huge Gossip Girl fan.  Was this the reason I pushed so hard for a visit to Candle 79 on the Upper East Side over a vegan restaurant anywhere else?  Unlike Gossip Girl, I’ll never tell. What I will spill is what we found there.  Still a little grumpy that the sub-zero NYC […] Read more…

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