vi·va·cious /vəˈvāSHəs/
lively • spirited • animated • alive • bubbly • sparkling • effervescent
cre·a·tive /kriˈeɪ tɪv/
artistic • imaginative • original • gifted • innovative • inspired
They’re strong, healthy, spirited, generous, artistic and full of compassion.
They’re Vivacious Creatives and they’re changing the world, one meal at a time…
I’m pretty sure I fell in love with Kristy’s blog Keepin’ It Kind the very first moment I laid eyes on it.
Sparkling with heavenly recipes, Kristy’s beautiful personality, and gorgeous photography by Kristy’s hubby Chris, it’s easy to get lost in for hours and it continues to be a huge inspiration, beaming sunshine everywhere.
My lovebug and I hardly ever (never!) get the chance to hang out with other vegan couples, so when stars aligned for us to meet Chris and Kristy during our recent trip to L.A., you betcha’ we were silly with anticipation!
We met for dinner at Native Foods Café on Ocean Park Boulevard in Santa Monica (yes I had to pinch myself over that address!), and even Kristy’s stunning photos couldn’t prepare me for just how adorable she is in person. Think Reese Witherspoon or Alicia Silverstone at her funny, sweet and gorgeous best, then multiply it by ten.
Our lovebugs hit it off instantly as well and we had such a great night, chatting, laughing and swapping blog, kitchen and photog stories. I wish we’d paused for breath long enough to take a photo of us, but I’ll give you something even better today – an interview with the vivacious creative herself!
Please welcome Kristy! ♥
How long have you been vegan and what inspired your decision?
Almost 2 years. On Facebook, a friend posted a snippet of an interview with Ellen DeGeneres where she discusses her reasons for being vegan. I’d been vegetarian for about 8 years at the time, but her words made me decide to start researching further. After doing my own research, I knew I couldn’t in good conscience continue to live like that.
What’s the best thing about rocking a plant-based lifestyle?
I think the overall sense of peace I feel I now. I feel more connected to the earth and all of its creatures. I know that every choice I make is in accordance with my ethics and that feels pretty great. The fact that I’m healthier, my skin is clearer, I sleep better, and I’m not bloated all the time any more is just icing on the cake.
What’s your favourite animal charity/cause/rescue group?
My favorite animal charity is Farm Sanctuary. Chris and I donate to them monthly and every year we participate in their Walk For Farm Animals to help raise money to help them continue rescuing animals from terrible conditions (such as factory farms) and working to make a better world for farm animals in this country.
What’s the best part of your day?
The best part of my day is when my husband comes home from work. Our canine companion, Samantha, and I both get excited to see him and if I’m not in the middle of something, I join her to greet him at the door.
What do your healthiest food days look like?
Breakfast: Oatmeal with almond milk, buckwheat groats, hemp seeds, raw sliced almonds and whatever fruit I have on hand (right now, I’m loving nectarine and blueberries).
Lunch: A green smoothie, usually with spinach or kale, frozen mango, flax seeds, whatever fruit I have and almond milk.
Dinner: Right now, I’m digging the big ol’ salads full of whatever I have in the fridge. It’s usually whatever green I have, tomatoes, corn kernels, cooked chickpeas, plums, spiralized zucchini, , avocado, and a sweet potato, roasted with some nutritional yeast.
Snacks: Raw veggies & hummus, toast with peanut butter or avocado, piece of fruit.
How do you keep fit and fabulous?
I go to the gym about 4-5 days per week, first thing in the morning. I do 30 minutes of hardcore cardio (no walking on the treadmill for me – I need to sweat!) and 30 minutes of strength training with weights. One morning a week, Chris and I go for a 6-8 mile run, and I try to fit in yoga at least once a week.
What’s your favourite way to relax and unwind?
Walking my dog at the beach.
What’s got your toes tingling with excitement right now?
It’s summer here in the U.S., so I’m just loving the summer and everything that comes with it- lazy afternoons, sundresses, flip-flops, all of that wonderful summer produce (berries, stone fruits, summer squash), and quick, little weekend getaways.
You can get to know Kristy better
July 26, 2013 at 11:05 pm (12 years ago)Thank you SO MUCH for including me in your awesome series! It is such an honor! And your lovely introduction made me blush- You are just so darn sweet and so friggin’ adorable! I wish Australia wasn’t so far away! xx
* Vegan Sparkles *
July 29, 2013 at 5:06 pm (12 years ago)Me toooooo!! xx
November 29, 2013 at 7:44 pm (11 years ago)Lovely interview!! May I ask what buckwheat groats are? Kristy says here that she has them for brekkie, and I’ve seen them in other recipes, for example in a cheesecake base.. what is it!
* Vegan Sparkles *
December 2, 2013 at 11:15 am (11 years ago)Just the raw, triangular Buckwheat seeds, Becca. You should be able to find them in your local, friendly health food store. 🙂