Month: February 2014

Vegan Creatives: Emaline Delapaix

  Allow me to introduce Emaline Delapaix – a Berlin-based, Australian singer-songwriter. A completely independent artist, Emaline books all of her own shows and has played concerts in Canada, USA, UK, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Slovenia. Emaline began playing music full-time just 3 years ago after […] Read more…

Pure Glow Cleanse

  If you’re down with the Perth health scene you’ve probably already heard that my gorgeous friends Annette and Jacqueline have just launched their juicy new business Pure Glow Cleanse into the world. And when they offered me a one-day juice cleanse to try, how could I say no? They didn’t pay me to write […] Read more…

The Perfection Myth

“How do you do it? How do you avoid temptation and be perfect all the time?” one of my beautiful clients asked in our coaching session the other day, and I had to laugh. Just a few short years ago, I was 8kgs heavier and I hated it.  I hated my ‘jelly belly’ when I […] Read more…

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