Month: October 2013

Vegan Sparkles TV: Choc Fudge

Yep, Vegan Sparkles TV is back, baby! Tackling all the important issues, such as: – Exactly how much mess can one woman make in a blender on the wrong speed? – Is ‘chocolateness’ even a word? – Just how high on cacao is she? And most importantly: – How to make a Healthy Hot Choc […] Read more…

Asian Cucumber Salad

This little gem was inspired by a curious salad we encountered at Musashi Japanese Restaurant in Sydney a couple of weeks ago. Usually a huge fan of salads overflowing with delicious goodness, I wouldn’t have thought that a simple cucumber salad would really get my wow on, but something about this little number was magic. Throughout […] Read more…

Sydney Raw Chocolate Workshop

  WOW, you Sydney-siders sure have some cool venues in town! The new Work-Shop in Chippendale hosts a range of creative classes and workshops to help you unleash your inner awesome.  Bright and funky, it was the perfect place for me to teach a Raw Chocolate Workshop a couple of weeks ago. Sixteen beautiful souls came along to the hands-on class […] Read more…

6 Essential Travel Snacks

  Hi beautiful! I’m super excited to be heading to Sydney today to host an incredibly delicious Raw Choc-Making Workshop – before flying to a remote island in a couple of days for some down time. I’ll be sharing our Sydney adventures via Instagram and Facebook – BUT the holiday islands are totally off the […] Read more…

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