Month: August 2012

Vegan Nutella & Banana Parisian Crêpes

  I’ve been to Paris twice in this lifetime (so far) and just like so many travellers before me, it was love at first sight.  Ohhh, the beautiful architecture, gold encrusted bridges, charming canals, breathtaking gardens and fountains, effortlessly stylish fashion, priceless art, romantic music, and incredible, hot, gooey Nutella Crêpes available on every tree-lined city street… […] Read more…

Broccoli & Pine Nut Quiche

  My Mum’s name is Lorraine.  When I was younger I couldn’t understand why people were always naming their egg pies after her. Now that I’m wise and mature (*ahem*), I understand so much more.  Like how cool it is that tofu can masquerade as egg!  Smart tofu! When my newly vegan friend told me […] Read more…

Spicy Chickpeas – Made in Chelsea

Do you watch the British TV show Made in Chelsea?  It is ridiculously hysterical.  My friend Kyllie and I watch it in our own homes and Whatsapp message each other a running commentary throughout the entire show, complete with many, many giggle fits.  Tears, snorts, the works. Ollie is our favourite character.  If you can watch […] Read more…

Chana Masala Pizza

Oh how I love Winter Friday Night Pizza Experiments! When I read this post by Lindsay Is Vegan and saw what she was doing with Chana Masala appetisers, I got pretty excited!  Serving Indian curry on bread!  YES!  Genius! I’ve always loved this Chana Masala recipe by The Copycat Cook, and thought it’d make the perfect […] Read more…

Mum’s Amazing Vegan Carrot Cake

How great are Mums?!  I’m crazy about mine.  On the weekend she invited me down to her place so we could catch up and watch the latest episodes of Tough Love Miami.  Have you seen this show?  When my Mum, sister and I watched the first season we dubbed it ‘Skanky Town’ because it was […] Read more…

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