If there’s one question I’m asked in almost every one of my first coaching sessions with a new client, it’s:  “How did you liberate yourself from the diet mentality?”

Such a great question.

If you find yourself perpetually stuck in the starting-a-new-diet-every-Monday cycle, today’s video is for you, beautiful. xx


Can’t view this video? Click here to watch on YouTube.


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I’d love to hear from you in the comments below, gorgeous. Do you find yourself getting trapped in the diet mentality? What triggers it for you? How do you deal with it? And what thoughts or patterns are you ready to liberate yourself from?
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4 Comments on How To Escape the Diet Trap

  1. jess meddows
    July 25, 2014 at 4:39 am (10 years ago)

    When I’m at home with a regular routine, I’m really good with buying healthy food and making healthy meals for myself.

    It’s when I travel that I get perpetually stuck in the “On Monday…” cycle of thinking. And with a food and travel blog, and family in both hemispheres, my husband and I do A LOT of travel. So I feel like I’m stuck in a cycle of extremely healthy home living versus unhealthy travel living.

    I have to be honest – no idea how to get out of my travel cycle. I know the things I could do differently are being more prepared and doing things like stocking up on Vega bars for when I’m in a bind, but argh… I’m not always organised enough!

    I do love your tips on balancing it out when you’ve had a bad day or two.

    • Vegan Sparkles
      August 10, 2014 at 6:29 pm (10 years ago)

      Oh, travel can be so tricky, Jess, and when you travel a lot, the unhealthy portion can easily wipe out all of your good intentions and home cooking.

      Being more prepared can definitely help. Could you make large batches of things when you’re at home – things like healthy bars/muffins that you could store in the freezer and then quickly pull out to take with you on your travels? Could you download an app to help you locate healthy food when you arrive? And/or book a room with a mini kitchen and make at least some of the meals (like breakfast) yourself?

      It can take a bit of effort at first (effort that can be hard to muster when we’re busy) but after a while it can become just as natural as packing. 🙂 I hope you find some tricks that work for you. Huge love and safe travels. xx

  2. Aniqa
    August 11, 2014 at 4:00 am (10 years ago)

    Great video! I simply live by the quote It’s not about diet, it’s about a lifestyle now and I feel amazing:)

    • Vegan Sparkles
      August 11, 2014 at 2:43 pm (10 years ago)

      Oh I’m so happy to hear that, Aniqa! I live by that too – it’s all about the ‘lifestyle’ and making the healthiest decisions most of the time – progress, not perfection. 🙂 x